Chris Kummerow is a barrister practicing in:

  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Industrial and Employment Law
  • Criminal Law (including Proceeds of Crime)
  • Professional Disciplinary Tribunals

Prior to joining the Bar, Chris was the Director of Prosecutions for a national safety regulator. He has significant experience advising and representing government agencies (State, Commonwealth and independent statutory agencies) at all court levels across multiple jurisdictions.

In his administrative and public law practice, Chris acts in merits review tribunals (State and Federal) and judicial review proceedings in State and Federal Courts, including migration matters. He also accepts briefs for inquests and commissions of inquiry.

Chris’ industrial and employment law practice involves acting for employers, employees and unions in both the Federal Court and State employment tribunals.

In addition to general criminal law and traffic offences, Chris has particular experience in regulatory criminal law including work health and safety, mining, heavy vehicle, maritime, rail, environment and planning law, as well as corporate crime and Commonwealth offences. He also appears in Proceeds of Crime proceedings (State and Commonwealth). Chris is briefed to appear for both prosecuting agencies and defendants, including on appeals.

Chris appears in various professional disciplinary tribunals, acting for both the professional disciplinary body and the professionals subject of those proceedings.

Chris accepts briefs nationally. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice and a Master of Laws. He is a member of the South Australian Bar Association and the Law Society of South Australia.

Chris was named in the 2023 Doyle’s Guide and 2024 Doyle’s Guide as a Recommended Criminal Law Barrister for South Australia.

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